Friday 13 August 2010

Am busy...

Need to work really hard. Trying new stuff. Not sure how it will be recieved. Want to push myself beyond just glass and introduce other textures. Starting to realise that another quality of glass is that its transpancy. Looking beyond and through it. Think I want to start to exploit this. More. Layer more. Having a play inbetween 'production line' stuff. Also thinking about line. Sketchy lines...better keep going...

Detail from a kiln formed glass commision. Am liking the idea of working with simpler sections but layering with other media behind the glass. Have been working with salvaged fabric scraps and paint. Not quite ready to assemble anything yet. Still very much playing. Have a list of commisions to work through first which I have to give priority to. (Need mull this over in more detail later. The concept of producing comercially viable work versus satiating ones own creativity. Feel pulled in both directions at the moment. A battle).


  1. Thank you. That's a lovely thing to say. Am actually quite stressed with it all at the moment. Seem to be going through one of those phases when everything seems to go a bit wrong. Thank you, you have spurred me on! x


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