Thursday 3 March 2011

circles (London)

So. In all honesty I'm still no nearer to understanding why it's always circles. Always has been. Since I've been in control of what I produce (ie since graduating) it's always been circles. Comes so naturally. Feels right. Am just drawn to them (in both senses of the word). All my work stems from circles. Even the strata pieces (as they were developed in a determined effort to move away from circles). Thinking about it. I think it comes from childhood. From happy memories. Pebble hunting. Bleak Holderness beaches. Feeling safe. Content. With my mum and dad. Maybe circles are a source of comfort now for that reason. I don't know. These are some images from the London trip. I took them because to me they were beautiful. But only afterwards. Back at home I finally made the glaringly obvious connections...

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